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To Mormons, With Love
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Many of you know that our oldest son, Parke (14), has type 1 diabetes. He was diagnosed when he was five-years-old. Our middle son, Duke, entered a clinical trial six years ago after a blood test revealed the presence of autoantibodies that were predictive of the development of type 1.

Duke has willingly participated in semi-annual monitoring, collected $50 from the TrialNet research fund, and surprised a doctor or two by remaining diabetes-free, while other kids sadly had to leave the study upon diagnosis. A few high blood sugars over the years alarmed us. This is it. Diabetes is here. Duke's numbers would resolve and a happy holding pattern resumed.

Call me naive, but I believed Duke was a pancreatic anomaly. They call it practicing medicine for a reason, I snickered to myself. He's been in the study longer than any other child; predictive autoantibodies are not a disease.

On Monday, August 27th, Duke was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

It goes without saying that we're sad, and it also goes without saying that worse things could happen. Duke has watched a brother live with type 1 diabetes for almost ten years. Observing a medical routine, even with a backstage pass, is different than having the disease yourself. Duke's drinking through a fire hose as he learns how to carb count, what the difference is between Lantus and Novolog, how the timing of each drug works, and...how to give himself injections.

A nurse we hadn't worked with prior was educating Duke on Monday. Because Chris and I are experienced parents of a diabetic child, we were able to avoid a hospital stay and manage insulin dose tweaking at home. But Duke needed to begin learning about his self-care immediately. Although he didn't feel great, he felt well enough to plow through a lot of information that day, knowing he'd have to return later in the week.

The last lesson of our very long day was how to inject. The nurse gave Duke a handbook, Diabetes Basics for Kids, Teens, Parents, Families--Things you need to know and do in the first few days after a diagnosis. She turned to page 20, a section titled How to use an insulin pen.

That boy in the book is Duke's brother, Parke. Four years ago Parke modeled for some educational materials. I'd forgotten. So had Duke. We all had.

We got through the lesson. Even the nurse was moved and cried.

I gave Duke his shots for the first few days--seven a day for those who are curious. I don't share that to be dramatic. Some people are simply curious.

August 30th, Duke and I returned to the Primary Children's Diabetes Clinic where he successfully gave himself his first shot. He's got over half a dozen under his belt as of this writing. Literally.

August 30th is also Duke's birthday. He turned turned 13-years-old.

We had a small family celebration for Duke. He requested a Baskin-Robbins Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Cake and enjoyed a huge piece. He then had an insulin reaction and was able to drink some of the Mexican Coca-Cola he asked for and received as a birthday gift...long story.

Duke is hanging tough. He brushes against sadness; his father and I brush against worry. But for the most part, tenacity, gratitude for life's good and healthy parts, and the desire to move forward in a strong and positive way...are the attributes we're embracing.

And? If someone would have told me 20 years ago that I'd be the mother of TWO teenage boys someday...I would have laughed. I was supposed to have girls.


Book Review! (Catch-up post to follow soon.)

The past two months have been busy -- I'll write about "what I did on my summer vacation" soon -- but I'm interrupting my unplanned blogging hiatus to share a review of to Mormons, with LOVE that appeared on the Association for Mormon Letters website. You can read the review here.

Sounds silly, but I couldn't wait to show my mom and dad.

More to come...


Hello JELL-O!

Redmond (6) and I were cruising the aisles of Costco recently. He asked for the giant above-ground swimming pool, I told him no. He thought the 10-person tent would be perfect for our family, again I said no. The outdoor play house (too tiny, actually) and playset (assembly required) were reasonable requests. I'm sorry, honey, but we have plenty of things to play with at home.

He felt denied and mildly disappointed. I don't believe he expected me to purchase any of those dreamy items, but summer's nearly here and the merchandising at Costco is heady.

Then I spotted her. A sample lady...and she had Jell-O.

We waited in a line as long and intense as one at the Magic Kingdom entrance gates. Frazzled mothers with handfuls of kids, whining, grabbing, the frustrated sample lady asking unattended kids where their mother was and informing them that she needed a parent's permission to give a sample, self-restraint evident in her voice and eyes.

Finally, our turn. Redmond didn't know what we were waiting for. "A special treat," I told him.

"Would you like green or red?" the sample lady asked him.

He surveyed the little white cups, each with a tablespoon or two of jiggly goodness, then looked at me confused.

"It's Jell-O," I said.

"What's Jell-O?"

The entire store silenced. I think. All of the moms and kids behind us gasped. A young voice said, "I'll take his!"

I grabbed a green and headed toward the eggs—the Kirkland Organic Brown Eggs (Cage-free!).

Parke and Duke have had Jell-O. I don't know how Redmond missed this experience. I don't care for the *food* myself, so it's not a treat in our house, but to live almost seven years and not even know what Jell-O is...

He hesitantly tried the sample. "I like Jell-O," he said. "Can we buy some?"


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